News & Resources

Indoor Program Re-Opening

Hello Everyone!

We have WONDERFUL and EXCITING news! EarlyON Centre’s have finally been given permission to  re-open for indoor programming! 

We are delighted to share with you all that we will be re-opening this Tuesday August 3rd. Toronto Public Health and Toronto Children’s Services EarlyON Division have laid out many guidelines related to Covid-19 Regulations. We are required to follow these guidelines or risk being shut down.

Please read the information below and in the Google Docs Links before registering. Calendars for the week of August 2nd-6th are attached. We hope to offer both Outdoor and Indoor Programming in August. You will need to register for outdoor and indoor sessions separately using two separate links. 

 Please contact us if you experience difficulty registering and we will be happy to help you register over the phone.

Indoor Programming Registration Link

Outdoor Programming Registration Link 

Please Read The Guidelines Below

Social Distancing will be required if waiting outside.

Screening of every child and adult must be filled out at the door in addition to pre-screening at home.

Hand-Sanitizing is required by TPH when arriving and leaving.

Wearing a mask is required for adults at all times when inside. Children aged two and over are encouraged by TPH to wear a non-medical mask or face covering indoors. Children aged 6 and above are required to do so.

Physical distancing of 6 feet apart between staff, children, and parents/caregivers must be maintained. Family members, nannies, and caregivers do not need to maintain social distancing with their own children.

Capacities and group sizes have been determined based on gathering limits set by the Government of Ontario, room capacity, and the ability to maintain social distancing safely. Do not come to the EarlyON Centre if you have not pre-registered and received a phone call or email confirming a space has been reserved for you and your children.

Toronto Public Health (TPH) stated “if two or more children from different families have a play date with each other outside of the EarlyON setting, the children and their caregivers still have to physically distance themselves from each other while in the EarlyON setting. A two metre/six feet distance should be maintained between staff, children and parents/caregivers. The reasoning for this is that even though the children may have a play date outside of the EarlyON setting, this exposure is much different from a household member exposure. Only household members are not required to isolate from each other while in the EarlyOn setting.”

The room and materials have been arranged to promote social distancing and to prevent mixing of groups and sharing of materials as required by Toronto Public Health. Materials available have been reduced as per Public Health who advise against toy sharing including EarlyON materials and supplies.

At this time Toronto Public Health does not permit singing indoors.

Label items such as water bottles and soothers to avoid accidental mix-ups. Place mouthed, dirty or soiled items in the used toy bin.

EarlyON Family Resource Connection will follow the current guidelines from Toronto Public Health (TPH) regarding reporting positive cases of COVID-19. EarlyON staff and participants who are being managed by Toronto Public Health (e.g. confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19, close contacts of cases) must follow TPH instructions to determine when to return to the EarlyON program.

Refer to the Participant Code of Conduct required by the government for the complete list of regulations.

Thank you for your understanding! We cannot wait to see you in person.