Infection Prevention & Control

We are so very grateful to our families, caregivers, and children for your ongoing support and flexibility over the last years. We are thankful for each of you who are a part of Family Resource Connection. Thank you for helping to create a beautiful caring sense of community.


Please self-screen for respiratory viruses and other communicable diseases, and do not attend if you or your child(ren) are experiencing symptoms. Family Resource Connection asks participants and staff to self-screen for cold, flu, gastro-intentional symptoms, pink-eye, and any other suspected or confirmed communicable diseases. We ask for the same vigilance you showed throughout the pandemic. Our whole community will enjoy better health if you stay home when you and your children are not well.

Hand Hygiene

Toronto Public Health, the Ministry of Education, and the EarlyON Division emphasize the importance of hand-washing and hand sanitizing and ask that staff, students, volunteers, and participants follow current public health handwashing/hand sanitizing practices. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the centre out of reach of children.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Toys

Every effort is made to immediately remove mouthed or soiled toys and clean and disinfect them. Once your child is done with a toy, please help us by placing any soiled or mouthed toys/materials into bins labeled for soiled materials that are accessible throughout the centre. All other toys are cleaned and disinfected at minimum once a week and often daily.

Respecting Comfort Levels

We recognize that everyone has different levels of comfort. Please continue to be mindful and respectful of comfort level and safety. Families and caregivers have said it is helpful and reassuring when individuals listen and talk respectfully with each other about their preferences for masking and physical distancing, particularly when physically close to one another.

Thank You. The FRC Team