Kindergarten and School-Age Care
Our school-age before and after school program, located within St. John’s school, offers many advantages. Children get programs they enjoy, choices about how they will spend their leisure time, and are in a setting that is child friendly and safe. We offer high-quality structured programs for skill development balanced with time for play, socialization, and reflection.
Program Statement
We know that the early years for children are the learning years and this learning continues into adulthood. Staff view children as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. We want children to be learners, to love to learn, to be part of a community of learners.
We have developed our own method of delivering care and education to school aged children. Our philosophy is a blend of the best practices of Early Childhood Education, using Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (How Does Learning Happen and the Early Learning for Every Child today – ELECT) the Toronto Middle Childhood Strategy, and The Assessment for Quality Improvement (AQI) as a guide.
We believe that engagement, expression, and belonging are key components to providing quality care to school aged children.

Skilled and nurturing staff are fundamental to creating a stimulating, safe, and warm environment. At Kids Club, our experienced and trained staff members are responsible for each community and work with the Directors as a team for the overall management of the school. Our teachers provide a curriculum that promotes, enhances, and celebrates learning that evolves from the interests, strengths, and needs of the children. The teachers for each age group take into account the individual differences in developmental patterns and are cognizant of the skills involved within these stages. Our staff mirrors the cultures of our community and are responsive to parent/guardian requests related to religious and cultural differences. Teachers are aware that they are adults of influence and model empathy, kindness, and acceptance of all individuals.
Morning and Afternoon Procedures
Kids Club: Monday to Friday
Mornings 7:30 am – 8:30 am | Afternoons 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The children are greeted and are offered the opportunity to enjoy a morning snack and participate in open activities.
Kindergarten, Grades 1 & 2
Each afternoon, our staff escorts children from their last classroom to Kids Club.
Grade 3
During the first few weeks of each new school year, our staff escorts children to Kids Club as a transition until they are ready to come to the Club on their own.
Grade 3-6
Children arrive between 3:00 pm and 3:15 pm on their own, and check in with Kids Club Staff.
As part of our Safe Arrival Procedure, attendance is taken in each community. If we have not received a message from you stating that your child was absent from St. John’s or is not attending Kids Club, we begin looking for them, which requires our staff to initiate phone calls to your home or office as well as sending staff to your child’s last classroom. Calling us when your child will not be attending Kids Club avoids this unnecessary and often confusing situation.
Confidentiality & Privacy
All members of our staff have signed a Pledge of Confidentiality – a serious undertaking that obliges all employees to maintain strict confidentiality of any information pertaining to children, parents/guardians, staff, and all other matters relating to the affairs and activities of Kids Club. Please do not ask staff to compromise their employment by asking questions about children other than your own or for personal information concerning current or former staff members. If you have concerns or questions regarding DCC policies, staff, etc., please address them to the Director.
Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program
Kids Club/Day Care Connection is participating in the CWELCC (Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care) program. We were required to freeze our fees as of March 27, 2022. The CWELCC reductions are based on those frozen fees. For more information, please see:
Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care – Information for Families
Subsidized spaces available for eligible families
Please visit the City of Toronto’s Child Care Fee Subsidy Calculator to determine your eligibility.
Day Care Connection would like to alert your attention to some learning experiences and child friendly activities that are available. We hope you and your family are able to take advantage of some of them.
SickKids: School Age Child Learning Hub
SickKids: Injury Prevention
Ontario Government: Bullying Awareness & Prevention
City of Toronto: Helmet Safety information
Canadian Pediatric Society: Screen Time and Digital Media
Canadian Pediatric Society: Social Media – What Parents Should Know
Ontario Curriculum and Resources: Parent Guides
Toronto Camps: Camp TO
Toronto Catholic District School Board: Programs and Services