“Hope is being able to see there is light despite all of the darkness.”
– Desmond Tutu
Staff are available to answer your questions through phone or email. Please do not hesitate to contact us at our temporary email address earlyonfamilyresource@gmail.com or at 416-690-0102.
Dear Families,
While Childcare Centres in Toronto have been given permission to reopen, and are beginning to do so slowly and carefully under the guidance and direction of Toronto Children’s Services and Toronto Public Health, EarlyON Centre’s have not yet been given a date by the Province of Ontario about when we will be re-opening. Once we are given permission we will be taking time to ensure all new Policies and Procedures are in place regarding Covid-19.
City of Toronto: Main Covid-19 Page
City of Toronto: Covid-19 Community & Workplace Settings (scroll down and click on “Child Care Centres” for resources and additional links)
As mentioned in our June newsletter, we are continuing to post on our website a program plan and newsletter containing ideas for activities that you may wish to do at home with your children or the children you are looking after, as well as other information you may find useful. They can be found here. It is our hope to post at the beginning of each week or month, with additional resources added as information becomes available. We would also LOVE to hear your ideas. I am sure many of you have come up with some great and creative ideas of your own to keep yourselves and your children busy. Please send your ideas to us and we do our best to include them in the list of activities. For July I arranged activities in a monthly format, of course feel free to do the activities on any day you choose.
My message is the same as last month, that as challenging as these times have been, I have been thinking of the resilience that we have as human beings and the importance of connection through many ways. The resilience to adapt to change no matter how difficult that may be, the gift of a kindly worded conversation or a socially distanced hug, the joy we feel after a conversation, and yes, the grief we feel at all we may have lost….yet we carry on. We carry on for our children, for one another, for our families and loved ones, and for ourselves.
Family Resource Connection and other EarlyON’s will likely look very different when we reopen. The Province and City have not yet given EarlyON’s a date for when that will happen. When we all return we will be negotiating the very real need for social distancing, the desire to protect ourselves and our children, while still fostering a warm stimulating loving environment. Family Resource Connection will be following guidelines and directions from Public Health and the Ministry of Education as they become available. We are all learning together. We will need to be patient with ourselves and each other, be gentle with ourselves and towards others as we live and work in the new reality. There will be days when we’ll feel okay, and maybe days when we don’t. And that is okay. Thank you for all you do in the lives of your children. Together, we will do our best to make the time you and the children spend at Family Resource Connection meaningful and special.
Here are some links to local stores where you will be able to find books and resources to talk with your children about recent events.
Wishing peace and health to you all!