As you are aware, this pandemic situation is a very serious one and one which is changing rapidly. Having reviewed the information shared during the State of Emergency address by Premier Ford a decision was made by the members of the Home Child Care Association of Toronto to suspend care by home child care agencies at this time.
While all of the agencies have decided to suspend services, it is an evolving situation and will require reassessment as information becomes available. We will update you as the situation unfolds.
As of March 17, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. home child care in all Day Care Connection homes was suspended. At this time, we are following the lead of the City of Toronto directly operated home care program and the suspension of care will be in place until further notice. We will provide updates via our website and email.
We thank all parents, guardians, and providers for their patience during this stressful time.
Please note — As our program is closed at the moment due to the COVID-19 outbreak, are not processing any applications at this time. Inquiries regarding future care can still be submitted online and as soon as we are able we will process those inquiries. We look forward to working with families as soon as safely possible. Thank you for your understanding.